some study questions for the homeopathic remedy arsenicum album...
1. describe what is at the core of arsenicum album.
2. dependency on others for...
3. impulse to...
4. relationship to others in terms of power balance?
5. fearful dreams might especially be of...
6. other types of dreams?
7. personal organization?
8. [7] is a manifestation of what?
9. "anger when he spoke of..."
10. five delusions?
11. beyond which level of homeopathic dilution is arsenicum no longer poisonous?
12. similarity to nat mur?
13. similarity to rhus tox?
14. describe the quality of restlessness that arsenicum patients experience.
15. describe the selfishness of arsenicum.
16. they can accumulate...
17. energy level characteristics?
18. suicidal impulses motivated by...
19. sleep disorders around what time?
20. delusions that he will never be...
21. relationship to knifes?
22. appropriate for middle aged women who...
23. anxiety / panic attacks around what time?
24. kids have desire to be...
25. unique aspect of suicidal nature?
26. what miasm does arsenicum belong to?
27. a high potency (10M) is recommended in which special cases?
28. body temperature?
29. desires which foods?
30. thirsty for what?
31. which side is favored?
32. tendency to...
33. discharges are...
34. better or worse from lying?
35. better or worse from seashore?
36. used for fainting from...
37. dry or wet?
38. general appearance?
39. in acute headaches, wants...
40. eyes.
41. HEENT: one of three most common remedies for...
42. colds accompanied by...
43. colds palliation and provocation?
44. feeling of what in the lungs?
45. GI symptoms affect which area of the GI tract?
46. appearance of the tongue?
47. stomach symptoms alleviated by...
48. type of gastroenteritis associated with arsenicum?
49. for which other GI pathology is arsenicum the go to remedy?
50. desires or detests sweets?
51. GU symptoms?
1. insecurity and vulnerability.
2. security.
3. murder.
4. can be dictatorial and demanding.
5. cancer.
6. misfortune, great exertion, danger, accidents.
7. very fastidious.
8. inner insecurity, need for control.
9. her complete recovery.
10. delusions he's offended people
everyone is looking at her
everything she touches is contaminated
body will putrefy
that he murdered someone
11. 6X
12. dreams of robbers
13. restlessness with desire for motion.
14. anxious, weak restlessness.
15. self indulgence.
16. doctors.
17. exaggerated weakness from least effort causes immediate loss of energy.
18. hopelessness and despair.
19. 2-3 AM
20. happy in his own house.
21. afraid to see knives, for fear of what they might do with them.
22. fall to pieces when children leave home.
23. 12-1AM
24. held on to and carried quickly.
25. suicide by setting oneself on fire.
26. syphillis.
27. in someone whose time has come to die but has conflict due to a fear of death.
28. very chilly, yet desires fresh air.
29. sourness, olive oil, hard liquor.
30. sips of warm tea or hot water with lemon.
31. right side.
32. bleed.
33. offensive, acrid, scanty.
34. worse.
35. worse.
36. the slightest cause.
37. dry.
38. thin and wiry, like a racehorse.
39. head cool.
40. burning, inflammation.
41. common cold.
42. chilliness, weakness, fatigue.
43. worse outside, better warm room.
44. smoke.
45. mouth to anus.
46. white, as if painted.
47. warm drinks.
48. viral, with simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea.
49. food poisoning.
50. averse to sweets.
51. swelling and burning.
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