Monday, October 4, 2010

homeopathy III: lycopodium

some study questions for the remedy lycopodium.

1. what is lycopodium made of?
2. lycopodium especially affects which systems?
3. appearance of lycopodium infants?
4. infants usually suffer from...
5. infants' actions upon waking?

6. physicality vs. mental.
7. describe the lycopodium countenance.
8. body shape?
9. what head symptom is characteristic of lycopodium?

10. underlying mental state is one of...
11. relationship to public speaking?
12. relationship to power and responsibility?
13. consideration for others?
14. intimacy patterns?
15. sexual dysfunctions?
16. does lycopodium enjoy being alone?

17. lycopodium is sensitive to...
18. what time of day aggravates?
19. left or right sided remedy?
20. what type of clothing?
21. temperature disposition?
22. what type of heat ameliorates vs. aggravates?
23. GI symptoms?
24. motion aggravates or ameliorates?

25. headache might be precipitated by...
26. ears?
27. nose?
28. mouth?
29. sore throat is ameliorated and aggravated by...
30. in abdomen-- right sided...
31. urine appearance?
32. urinary symptoms in children?
33. female symptoms-- right sided...
34. aggravated or ameliorated by coition?

35. modalities are similar to which other remedy?
36. extremities-- right sided...

1. inert club moss spores.
2. alimentary tract, GU tract, liver, genitals.
3. wrinkled appearance.
4. colic and constipation.
5. infants are irritable upon waking and immediately demand feeding.

6. lycopodium is more of a mental remedy; these patients are not very physically inclined or athletic.
7. wrinkled, frowning, emaciated.
8. pear shaped; can be emaciated on top and normal / plump on bottom.
9. premature graying of hair.

10. cowardice.
11. dreads public speaking but generally gives exceptional performances.
12. seek power but avoid having responsibility.
13. lyc's might have an "unknowing selfishness", a self-centerdness and self-directed ambition that is oblivious to others' pain or comfort.
14. strong sexual impulses without having true intimacy; one night stands instead of long term relationships.
15. male: impotency or erectile dysfunction. female: inability to achieve orgasm.
16. prefers not to be alone, but wants others to be slightly removed-- wants someone in the next room or house.

17. themselves, to music, to sentiment.
18. 4-8PM.
19. right sided remedy.
20. tight clothing aggravates.
21. chilly, worse cold drinks and food.
22. most heat ameliorates, but cool, fresh air ameliorates.
23. flatulence, easy satiety, gastritis, stomach cancer.
24. restlessness is ameliorated by motion.

25. great hunger.
26. thick otorrhea, otitis media, eczema behind ears.
27. sinusitis with pain at root of the nose, thick yellow discharge with yellow green crusts.
28. dry without thirst.
29. worse with cold drink, better with warm drink.
30. hernia.
31. "red sand in urine".
32. enuresis.
33. ovarian neuralgia
34. aggravated.

35. rhus tox-- better warm, better motion,
36. sciatica.

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