Monday, October 11, 2010

homeopathy III: causticum

study questions for the homeopathic remedy causticum...


1. causticum is prepared from which materials?
2. which acute conditions treated with causticum?
3. causticum burns might have which concomitants?
4. Jeremy Sherr describes causticum as...
5. dry vs. wetness?
6. important neurological remedy for which conditions?
7. some etiologies for causticum?
8. some aggravations for causticum?
9. some ameliorations for causticum?
10. describe the quality of causticum's anxiety.
11. anxiety worse at what time?
12. may have an internal conflict with...
13. describe an archetypal life path for causticum.
14. what is a unique causticum mistake with regards to language?

15. head symptoms?
16. eyes?
17. ears?
18. affinity for which joint in the head?
19. throat conditions?
20. hunger?
21. food cravings / dislikes?
22. rectum?
23. fear of which animals?

1. calcium carbonate and potassium sulfate.
2. scalds / burns-- especially deep ones.
3. urinary frequency / burning, restlessness.
4. old age, a slowing down of life. a person who has worked all day and is weary at the close of the day.
5. more a dry remedy, worse with wetness.
6. weakness and paralysis.
7. ailments from cold exposure (air, water)
overuse or exertion
longstanding grief, fright, worry
8. cold winds
dry weather
extremes of temperature
9. rainy / damp weather
heat of the bed
swallowing cold wtaer
10. free floating, vague.
11. twilight.
12. control / self control.
13. young anarchist becomes lawyer.
14. spoonerisms.

15. empty space between the forehead and the brain.
16. heaviness, ptosis, paralysis.
17. abundance of earwax with foul odor.
18. TMJ.
19. loss of voice from laryngeal paralysis.
20. may vanish at the sight of food.
21. cravings for smoked meats / aversion to sweets.
22. tendency towards ineffectual urging, BM's are easier standing up.
23. dogs.

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