Wednesday, March 24, 2010

lab diagnosis II: finals study guide

lab dx final study questions. (doesn't include thyroid and GI health lectures)

cytology tests...
1. when is a sputum cytology test indicated?
2. what are some pathological findings on a sputum cytology test?
3. when is a urine cytology test indicated?
4. how would GU inflammation manifest on a urine cytology test?
5. how would viral infection manifest on a urine cytology test?
6. when is a nipple discharge cytology test indicated?
7. nipple discharge cytology can aid in the diagnosis of...

pap smear...
8. what are the indications for getting a pap smear?
9. what are the indications for getting a pap smear according to the ACE?
10. how often does the ACE recommend getting a pap smear?
11. what is the area on the cervix where the most abnormal cells changes occur?
12. what is the number 1 risk factor for cervical cancer?
13. what are the high risk strains of the microorganism in question 12?
14. what is the advantage to the "standard" pap smear collection technique?
15. what does the gardasil vaccine target?

cervical cancer classification...
16. what is the bethesda system?
17. what are the minimum requirements for specimen adequacy according to the bethesda system?
18. what do the CIN I-3 classifications indicate?
19. what is ASC-US and what is the significance?
20. what is an AGC and what is its significance?
21. what is the maturation index and what is its significance?
22. what might be seen in atrophic vaginitis?

liver enzymes...
23. which enzymes are a better indicator of liver function rather than the enzymes on a hepatic panel?√
24. what conditions might cause a marked increase in AST and ALT levels?√ √
25. what conditions is ALP markedly increased in?√X
26. an increase in which marker is associated with alcoholic hepatitis?√√
27. an AST/ALT ratio of >1 indicates...√√
28. an AST/ALT ratio of >2-3 indicates...√√
29. an AST/ALT ratio of <1>

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