Monday, January 25, 2010

CPD II: valvular disorders quiz sheet

sorry to my classmates about not being able to send this out before the quiz- have no internet at home anymore. hope this is useful to next year's class!

1. which valvular disorder can be secondary to a fib or RV dilation?
2. what is: incompetent pulmonic valve leading to retrograde blood flow from pulmonary artery into right ventricle during diastole.
3. which valvular disorder can require balloon valvuloplasty if severe enough?
4. which disorder is relatively common, especially in males?
5. which sounds like a high pitched, blowing, decrescendo diastolic murmur?

6. which murmur can be increased with valsalva?
7. which resembles and shares risk factors with atherosclerosis?
8. which disorder is usually asymptomatic or has symptoms that resemble aortic stenosis?
9. which disorder might show notched or wide P waves due to atrial hypertrophy?
10. which disorder has a connection with marfan's and dehydration?

11. which disorder can be best heard in the 3rd/4th left interspace, heard best with the patient leaning forward and holding their expiration?
12. which is the loudest of all murmurs? what shape is the murmur?
13. which disorders sound like a "blowing holosystolic murmur"?
14. which disorder is primarily congenital, and affects mostly children?
15. which disorder has the clinical features: RV hypertrophy, prominent jugular pulse wave, RV heave/thrill?

16. syncope, angina, and dyspnea are the characteristic symptoms of which disorder?
17. which disorder sounds like: opening snap, diastolic murmur, loud S1.
18. which disorder might result in a pectus excavatum?
19. which disorders can lead to LV dilation and hypertrophy?
20. which disorder has a high risk for developing a-fib if severe?

21. which disorder can be asymptomatic for decades and then present with DOE, fatigue, syncope, chest pain, arrhythmias, frank CHF?
22. which disorder sounds like: late systolic murmur and mid systolic click?
23. which disorder is heard best at the apex of the heart in the left lateral decubitus position?
24. which disorder is associated with ventricular septal defect?
25. which murmur is short, scratchy, diastolic?

26. which murmur has widened S2 splitting, early systolic click, and a harsh crescendo-decrescendo shape?
27. which disorder might show RBBB on the ECG?
28. which disorders are primarily caused by RF?
29. which disorder are usually asymptomatic or has symptoms that resemble RCHF?
30. which disorder is usually asymptomatic or has symptoms that resemble mitral stenosis?
31. which disorders might show tall P waves in the ECG?

1. tricuspid regurgitation.
2. pulmonary regurgitation.
3. pulmonic stenosis.
4. mitral regurgitation.
5. aortic regurgitation.

6. aortic stenosis.
7. aortic stenosis.
8. pulmonic stenosis.
9. mitral stenosis.
10. MVP.

11. aortic regurgitation.
12. aortic stenosis, crescendo-decrescendo.
13. mitral and tricuspid regurgitation.
14. pulmonic stenosis.
15. pulmonic stenosis.

16. aortic stenosis.
17. mitral stenosis.
18. MVP.
19. aortic regurgitation and stenosis.
20. mitral stenosis.

21. aortic regurgitation.
22. MVP.
23. mitral regurgitation.
24. pulmonic regurgitation.
25. tricuspid stenosis.

26. pulmonic stenosis.
27. pulmonic stenosis.
28. mitral and tricuspid stenosis.
29. tricuspid regurgitation.
30. tricuspid stenosis.
31. tricuspid stenosis and regurgitation.

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