Saturday, February 21, 2009

classical chinese medicine: lecture on the heart by heiner fruehaf

today i went to a CE workshop led by one of my favorite professors here at NCNM (who played a large part in my decision to attend), Dr. Heiner Fruehaf. he talked about the role of the heart and emotions in chinese medicine. the lecture was difficult to grasp in its entirety, so i won't sum it up, but here are some of the main ideas:

the heart as the ultimate sensory organ: the heart is the receptor / vessel / antennae for extrasensory, heavenly information (such as one's life purpose, without which illness will definitely occur) and as such rules the other sensitive areas such as the eyes, tongue, hands, feet, etc. it is through the heart that we can sense that which is beyond the material realm.

the emotions facilitating the heart's communication: emotions arise in response to the heart's "receptor sites" being stimulated. if one is present with the emotions they can be used to help develop our sensitivity towards what the heart is trying to perceive.

the emotions as an evolutionary manifestation: the ability of humanity to feel such emotions via the heart is the main difference between us and the animals. whereas animals have just one nature, the animal nature (which, though it is not spiritual, is in touch with the universe), humanity has three levels in its consciousness: animal nature, the heart, and the spirit / true nature.

the potential for de-evolution: there is always the possibility and in fact the probability that instead of using emotions to facilitate the heart's communication beyond the material realm, we can get trapped in feedback loops that are self-limiting. emotions can become reactions which can become patterns which can become rigid and trap the individual from communicating with his/her true purpose.

blame as the "axis" for emotions: learning to accept responsibility for one's circumstance and relationships rather than blaming others is a crucial turning point in one's emotional life and can liberate the individual to truly affect change in their own life.

some quotes:

"the purpose of ritual is to point to a sacred reality"

"the heart is a receiver of purpose and subtle realities... every place that is very sensitive belongs to the heart"

"if you have no purpose in your life, you
will get ill"

"consciousness governs energy, and energy governs matter"

"the most important thing in holistic medicine is to not ever take hope away from the patient"

"we shut our spirits off with doubt"

"for some reason, we venerate our small patterns instead of letting go of them and receiving the larger patterns of the universe"

"modernity is a condition that is heightening the animal needs"

"in order to get true joy, you need to first be able to eat bitter"

"learn what it means to be a filial son or daughter of the universe"

"we are meant to use the emotions as functions of the heart to be in touch with higher realities"

"[qigong] shaking is a form of daily hygeine that is much more important than brushing our teeth- we shake our negative emotions away before they take root"

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