courtesy of a bunch of hard working ncnmers:
QUESTION: The pancreas is....
A. An exocrine gland
B. Mostly exocrine with 2% endocrine
C. Mostly endocrine with 2% exocrine
ANSWER: B. Mostly exocrine with 2% endocrine
QUESTION: Which theory that most accurately describes the function of the liver?
A. Liver acinus
B. Classical lobule
C. Non-classical lobule
ANSWER: A. Liver acinus
QUESTION: Which salivary gland secretes only serous fluid?
A. Parotid
B. Sublingual
C. Submandibular
D. Both A & C
ANSWER: A. Parotid
QUESTION: Saliva is a mix of water and what?
A. Serous fluid
B. Mucous
C. Amylase
D. Antibodies
E. all the above
ANSWER: E. all the above
QUESTION: Where are compound acinar glands found?
A. Liver
B. Salivary
C. Pancreas
D. both A & B
E. both C & B
ANSWER: E. both C & B
QUESTION: The _______ can be thicker in some places, such as sphincters
ANSWER: muscularis
QUESTION: Which of the following comprise the mucosa?
A. Muscularis mucosa
B. Epithelium
C. Mesothelium
D. Lamina propria
E. Meissener’s plexus
ANSWER: A, B and D
QUESTION: Which has a stratified squamous epithelium:
A. Duodenum
B. Stomach
C. Esophagus
ANSWER: C. esophagus
QUESTION: Which of the following have entero-endocrine cells?
A. Esophagus
B. Jejunum
C. Large intestine
D. Stomach
QUESTION: What is unique about the stomach?
A. The muscularis externa has three layers
B. It has a lot of goblet cells
C. Greatest amount of GALT
D. It has Brunner’s glands
ANSWER: A. The muscularis externa has three layers
QUESTION: True or False...Alpha, Beta and Delta cells are part of the endocrine glands of the pancreas.
QUESTION: Trends down the entire intestines include:
A. Increasing surface area
B. Decreasing surface area
C. Decreasing goblet cells
D. Decreasing lymphatic tissue
ANSWER: B. Decreasing surface area
QUESTION: Which gland secretes alkaline-mucoid material and urogastrone?
A. Gastric gland
B. Esophageal gland
C. Parotid gland
D. Duodenal gland
ANSWER: D. Duodenal gland
QUESTION: Which part of the renal tubular system does most of the reabsorption?
ANSWER: Proximal tubule (extensively convoluted, apical mirovilli, simple cubodial)
QUESTION: What three tubes constitute the portal area?
ANSWER: Hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct
QUESTION: What is the correct order of “Flow of Blood to the Liver”?
A. large intestine, liver, portal vein, venous system, heart
B. stomach & small intestine, liver, venous system, portal vein, heart
C. stomach & small intestine, portal system, liver, venous system, heart
D. stomach & small intestine, liver, portal system, venous system, heart
QUESTION: The following are well vascularized, except...
A. Tunica intima
B. Tunica adventitia
C. Submucosa of digestive system
D. Lamina propria of the small intestine
ANSWER: A. Tunica intima
QUESTION: Multiple True or False...
• Epiglottis is a conducting tissue, or evidence of conduction tissue
• Cilia is a conducting tissue, or evidence of conducting tissue
• Simple cubodial epithelium is a conducting tissue, or evidence of conducting tissue
• Goblet cells are a conducting tissue, or evidence of conduction tissue
ANSWER: True = epiglottis, cilia and goblet cells; False = simple cubodial epithelium
QUESTION: What are the two kinds of lymphatic tissue and how are they different from each other?
ANSWER: Diffused lymphatic tissue is a scattering of lymphocytes. Nodules are semi-discrete masses of lymphocytes.
QUESTION: What are the four kinds of lymphatic organs and their main function?
ANSWER: 1. Lymph nodes are inline filters of lymph 2. Spleen is the largest lymph organ and an in-line filter of the blood 3. Thymus is a T-lymphocyte manufacturing center. 4. Tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissue that filter lymph in the oral cavity
QUESTION: Which of the following are listed from largest to smallest?
A. Arteriole – artery – vein – capillary
B. Artery – arteriole – sinusoidal capillary – capillary
C. Areriole – vein – venule – artery
D. Artery – vein – capillary – sinusoidal capillary
ANSWER: B. Artery – arteriole – sinusoidal capillary – capillary
QUESTION: Where in the kidneys is urine first seen?
ANSWER: Area cribrosa
QUESTION: What type of gland is responsible for hormone secretion?
ANSWER: Endocrine
QUESTION: Where in the kidneys are the pyramids?
ANSWER: In the medulla
QUESTION: Where do you find the arcuate vein and artery?
ANSWER: Between medulla and cortex
QUESTION: Where is the serosa rather than adventitia present in the male reproductive system?
A. Ductus deferens
B. Urethra
C. Ductus epididymis
D. Penis
ANSWER: C. Ductus epididymis
QUESTION: What cells secrete testosterone?
A. Interstitial leydig cells
B. Sertoli cells
C. Spermatids
D. Sperms cells
ANSWER: A. Interstitial leydig cells
QUESTION: __________ is a hormone produced in the kidneys that causes the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.
ANSWER: Erythropoietin
QUESTION: Where in the body do you find type II capillaries?
ANSWER: in the glomerulus/Bowman’s capusule
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