Tuesday, October 19, 2010
homeopathy III: mercurius
some study questions about the homeopathic remedy mercurius, which is homeopathically diluted and potentized mercury.
1. kent suggests what about the use of mercury?
2. mercury state can be summed up by which words?XX
3. temperature disposition?√
4. temperature aggravation?√
5. only thing that helps the mercury patient when disturbed by their environment is...√
6. what time of day aggravates?√
7. aggravated by lying on the...√
8. glands?√
9. miasm?√
10. what type of discharges?√
11. quality of discharges?√
12. nervous system symptoms?√
13. tendency towards formation of...√
14. how can acute wounds for mercury be distinguished from aconite / belladonna?√
15. similarity to arsenicum album?√
16. delusional feeling as if...√
17. headache sensation?√
18. headache aggravation?XX
19. appearance of tongue?X√
20. thirst?√
21. what type of taste in the mouth?√
22. mercury can be as important as pulsatilla in which disorder?√
23. mercury is a major remedy for which disorder involving the tongue?√
24. eye symptoms worsened by...√
25. cravings?√
26. food aversions?√
27. PMS characteristics?√
28. lactation?√
29. consider in cases of which STD?√
30. bone involvement?√
31. skin symptoms?√
32. merc-cor indicated for...√
33. merc-iodatum flavum indicated for...√
34. merc-iodatum rubrum indicated for...√
1. not to use more than twice in the winter to treat colds.
2. debility, sluggishness, weakness, oversensitivity.
3. very chilly, but easily overheated.
4. aggravated by the least cold, as well as by heat.
5. lying down and resting.
6. aggravated at night.
7. right side.
8. swollen, inflamed, tender, hardened.
9. syphilitic.
10. profuse, especially saliva and sweat.
11. offensive, acrid.
12. fine tremors, epilepsy, emaciation.
13. pus.
14. both are initially red and inflammed, but mercury then turns to pus formation and is slow in healing.
15. anxious restlessness.
16. he had committed a crime.
17. band around head.
18. worse night and worse in a draft.
19. indented, swollen, flabby.
20. intense thirst for cold drinks.
21. metallic.
22. otitis media.
23. stuttering.
24. heat, radiant heat.
25. bread and butter, alcohol.
26. sweets, diary.
27. anxious restlessness before menses, milk in the breast during menses.
28. mastitis during lactation.
29. syphilis.
30. destructive bone diseases such as osteomyelitis.
31. severe itching, worse from heat of the bed.
32. more intense, excoriating presentations of mercury.
33. sore throat with more inflammation on the right side.
34. sore throat with more inflammation on the left side.
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